Are you in the midst of losing your home to foreclosure? Have you repeatedly tried to save your home to no avail? Foreclosure and modification are painfully synonymous these days. We need a resounding voice and a platform to stand up against all the Big Bad Banks that pursue foreclosure over modification resolution. These predator banks were bailed out but we the homeowners were not. Big Bad Banks are ruthless and abusive in regards to making decisions that ultimately could leave you homeless! They are fully aware, that as homeowners we are easily quieted and taken advantage of. We are small, financially challenged, emotionally drained and anguished by the fear of losing our homes.
We have a human story that must be told and a voice that will be heard. We must speak up to bring attention to this terrible injustice. Please join in spreading the word through all social media avenues that are available. Name your bank and call out the employees that are jeopardizing your well being. They rest at night, enjoy outings and have status in their communities. Hold them publicly accountable. Make their friends, family and community aware of the damage and hardship they causing. Stand up, speak out and be heard. There is power in numbers and together we can make a difference!
Death, divorce and loss of income lead me to request a refinance. Declined, “not making enough.” I requested a modification, again BANK OF AMERICA declined, “making too much.” Ran behind on my mortgage so I cashed in my 401K and two days after I got up to date, BANK OF AMERICA foreclosed on my home. Their third party administrator or servicer failed to notify them in time. I begged, pleaded, fought and tried to reason with everyone at BANK OF AMERICA. They received the money; cashed the checks but it was not applied to the account and would not be. I was losing my home. MERS bit me, I was robo-signed. I qualified for the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and State Attorney General global settlement program against BANK OF AMERICA. I applied for the DOJ program through CARLOS TORRES at the Dadeland office. I was declined, "not enough money." I was unable to reach my Relationship Manager, LESLY RABOUIN (Ft. Lauderdale office) for two weeks. TASHA with BANK OF AMERICA called asking that I bring my mortgage up to date. I explained that BANK OF AMERICA and I had the perfect opportunity for a relationship, they wanted money and I wanted to keep my home. Please modify I insisted. Sadly we could not reach an agreement. TASHA sent an email to LESLY RABOUIN and he finally returned my calls. Polite, well-spoken and seemingly knowledgeable, LESLY RABOUIN is very much in control of my destiny. That is of no comfort.
BANK OF AMERICA fraudulently subscribed to “MERS” and ROBO sign foreclosures and they are not obligated to reverse the decision. If we conspired to deceptively take someone’s home from them, there is no doubt in my mind that not only would we would be facing a jail term but the government would not bail us out! So I propose all top bank officials, middle management and their underlings that participated in illegally foreclosing on homes, be jailed.
The bank bailout was myopic indeed. No accountability, just free money for all. For every foreclosure that takes place and modification or refinance that does not get approved, a fine should be levied against the predator banks that took government money and did not help anyone but themselves. Shame on you BANK OF AMERICA and all your cronies at the other BIG BAD BANKS!
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