Monday, October 29, 2012


I blogged a couple of blogs ago regarding an article written by Evan M. Rosen urging voting against your elected officials that voted in favor for SB1890 and HR213 bills the “Fair Foreclosure Act.  In following up, I determined which elected officials voted in favor of these bills and I set out to vote against them.   How foolish of me to think that I would be able to do something that is within my Constitutional Rights.

On Friday, October 26, I called the Miami-Dade County Elections Department to inquire about my voter registration card and license having different addresses.  I was informed by the man with whom I spoke that I would have no problem voting.  Regardless of the address issue, early voting gave me the opportunity to vote at any site I choose, removing the issue of having to vote at a specific location.  The person I spoke with did not ask for my name, voter id number or any other information. 

Upon arriving at voting site 5050 W Flagler Street, Miami, Florida, I was informed that I was removed from the voter registration lists.  WHY?  This is how it basically played out.  Olyme Moreno, asked for my driver’s license, checked me in her computer system and informed me that I was removed from the list.   Olyme requested my voter’s registration card, which I provided.   Unable to find me, again she insisted that Miami-Dade County Elections had removed my name from the list.  “Sorry” the most I could do was to have a “provisional ballot” and “if the elections department decided I was not eligible to vote they would throw out my vote.”  WHY?   Olyme then realized that I had moved noting that was the reason they removed me from voting.   WHAT?  The fact that I was honest about the change of residence was my doing.  If I would have given the Elections Department any acceptable identification that did not indicate my address, Olyme would not have known I had moved.  So tell me again Elections Department, WHY did you remove me from the voter registration list?  Kashira (sp?) the Elections Supervisor was informed of the problem and indicated that I had moved and that caused me to be removed from voting. 

No Kashira,that is not an acceptable excuse.  Tell the truth; the Elections Department mistakenly removed me from the voter registration list.   Period!

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